Le désert de Kasimir (16.3.2018-15.4.2018 Fair and Square 2)

Le désert de Kasimir (16.3.2018-15.4.2018 Fair and Square 2)

For the group show “Fair & Square 2” curated by Peter Van Ammel and Christophe Denys twelve artist were asked to respond to the mixed theme of Malevich and the concept of the art fair. The artists: Veerle Beckers, Jo De Smedt, David Bruneel, Lisa Vantorre, Bart Vandevijvere, Christophe Denys, Bert Huyghe, Atelier Pica Pica, Charlot Winne, Jan Wyffels, Peter Van Ammel. 

I presented “le désert de Kasimir” or Malevich’s desert; an installation of sand and ink. Referring to both the public and critics’ comments of Malevich “Everything which we loved is lost. We are in a desert… Before us is nothing but a black square on a white background!” and especially how Malevich responded “But a blissful sense of liberating nonobjectivity drew me forth into the “desert,” where nothing is real except feeling… ” – which connects beautifully with my investigation of the space between a difference.
